
Welcome to Social Apps of Web 2.0

Quickly... what does "Web 2.0" mean for you?

The first to post a comment to my question will get...

of course... points for reading the slides on time, visiting this post and figuring out how to comment on blogs:)

and... don't forget the photos that need to appear on your "follower" space. :)

WELCOME! I look forward to working with all of you for the next six weeks. :)


  1. To me Web 2.0 includes information sharing sites,technologies, tools, etc. integrated into our computers for the easiest and fastest use of expression,learning,opinion formation,and staying in touch. Web 2.0 communities that share a common interest/goal will provide me with the knowledge I am seeking and possibly spark additional interests.

    1. Hey, are you student in the class or just felt like sharing an opinion? :)

  2. Web 2.0 has endless meaning to me. In terms of "2.0," I am not sure what the means exactly. However, this web class to me means utilizing the web to enhance our social networking skills and our awareness of what is going on with others and the world. Social networking is something that is still somewhat new to most individuals. Yes, we have things such as Facebook, however I do not believe they have as large of an impact on "socializing" as something such as blogging does. Blogging is more personal and allows you to connect with others on a deeper level that a simple networking site, such as Facebook, does not. I have never blogged before, but I am excited to experience this new aspect of social networking.

  3. I see Web 2.0 as a way for people of all generations to express themselves in a way which they wish to be seen, this also allows people with similar interest to connect with people who they would otherwise never have the opportunity to. I see it as a virtual community that offers flexibility to read and be read, or just read allowing for people to participate in a way which suits them.

  4. Web 2.0 could mean many different things, i believe that it is meant to connect the world by using the internet and its many social networking tools. Blogging is different that facebook or other social sites, most blogs are coming from one main source, the blogger and his or her own opinions on a topic. I read blogs when i travel to come where new or what to try something new, reading about other people experiences helps me become motivated to experience new things. I am excited to star my own blog and learn more about how Web 2.0 works.

  5. Web 2.0 could mean many things, but so far, I have recognized it as an opportunity. Given that this is version 2.0 and not 1.0, I am assuming not only is this a chance to become more knowledgeable of social networking but an improved chance. I am looking forward to becoming more savvy to the blogging/social networking world and I think this class may be my best chance at becoming immersed in its life style.

  6. Web 2.0 to me has countless meanings. The web is an enormous database through social media. These social media sites are where the majority of the world interacts with each other regardless of however many miles away one person is from another. The 2.0 means that little by little the web is progressing in which the data is increasing. In today's society people rely on the web for many things like social interaction, news, shopping, health, factual information, and many more. I am excited for this course to begin because I love to learn new things about today's society and how they interact with each other. I am familiar with Facebook and Twitter but that is only a small fish in the big sea of social networking.

  7. Web 2.0 holds endless possibilities. There is more information on the web than we can imagine, yet it is all at our fingertips. I, like many others, rely far too much on the internet. Whether it be for looking up movie times, connecting with friends, or doing research for a paper. However, though I am a frequent internet user I believe I am also a bit limited in navigating web pages. I know there is so much more to do with the internet, and hopefully this class will show me the way!

  8. To me Web 2.0 is an asset, as well as a burden. While yes the the new age of social networking, blogs, etc. allows me to be opened up to so much more in this world, I also feel that it puts blocks on true interactions with people and possible adventures. Instead of having a true and meaningful conversation with someone, I feel often it is declined to bullet point comments. I feel that it is pushing our society to interact in a person to person sense this way as well... Get out the important parts and move on to the next most stimulating thing. Another concern is instead of actually exploring the world, I sit on my couch and look at it from a 15" screen. I do have a facebook account and it does serve the purpose that i believe it does for many, it fulfills the basic human need to feel that someone is listening (but is anyone truly fully listening?). It also allows me to keep in touch with friends and family that are not so close, but seeing as i have over 500 friends and can honestly say that there is a fraction of them that i would even consider under that heading It mostly fulfills the former over the latter. I am excited to take this course and investigate my current views, as to possibly rework my opinion into a more positive outlook, or to find evidence to support my theory.
