
The Social and the Networking in Social Media Neworking

Reading your tweets and facebook postings, I started getting a feeling for confusion. Yes, I agree reading about working on your wiki in your power point presentation before you knew what a wiki is, can be confusing.

However, I also have the feeling that you are confused why you do all these things with those social media channels. Well, the point is... to socialize... to talk to each other and talk to your friends who are not in the class through tweets and facebook comments. Talk about everyday experiences, frustrations with the class, things you learned about tools you thought you know well...

OK, Imagine you are in a classroom... a small classroom... and I ask something for you to do or share ... then one person shares their opinion/answer... then another ... and a third one... and only the forth person's opinion relates to any of those previous answers... I think it's called engagement... even more important in an online class. 

Facebook... Twitter.. YouTube... Flickr... are not only your assignments for this class... They are you... That is why I asked who knows who on Facebook (thanks to those who took the time to reply to my question!)... to make you aware that your virtual self and your real self are not completely separable. Those who do not know you in person can learn a lot or nothing from what you post and share online. But if you do not do it... how would they know who you are? Just a screenname on their social media channel. Do you really want to be only a name with no identity behind it? 

Next week (week 3), I will start measuring your ACTUAL participation in all those social media tools... Meaning, how much you tweet, facebook, add pictures to your Flickr and videos to your YouTube channel and comment on other's channels (at least to 3! people, you can include me too).  That means you need to add them to your accounts as friends or start following them. And of course, the wikis project. Read the slides and, please do everything I asked you to do in them. Post questions on Facebook if you something is unclear!

Otherwise, what is the point of taking a class on social media if you are not active and dont learn small details of tools you already know and new tools? 

I look forward to seeing more pictures posted on Flickr and watch videos you picked on youtube. I still have people who haven't joined my youtube channel and I found most of you on Flickr but you have to be connect with each other as well!

And stay way from the greenhead flies on the beach... They hurt! :( 

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