
The First 48

You know that the first 48 hours are critical in resolving serious crimes. Well... I won't say that the first 48 of this class were that critical. But they were very helpful for me. What did I learn:

1. Most of you had never blogged and are a little apprehensive of what it feels like to blog. Well, think about the blogs about this class as essays in which you share both knowledge and personal opinion. The difference is that I won't be the only one to read them. The good thing about sharing it with others is that there always will be other classmates that will share the same sentiments like you and you will feel their support even though you do not see them in a real class setting. Don't be afraid to express both positive and negative feelings when some social media tool seems confusing or fun and easy. I know blogger needs to be tweaked a little but you will see that in a couple of weeks you won't even remember this initial frustrations:)

2. Quite a few do not have "follow" button or "google +" As a result I cannot get to their blogs so I can read and comment on them. Also, I cannot join the blogs and others, either. Maybe the easiest way to do this is if you post a quick comment on my blog (this or the first one) and people can click on your name and will reach your blog and then will start following you (if you have the "follow" button). If you do not have a comment from me, that means I haven't read your blog!

3. Please, write a comment about web 2.0 under my first blog!:)

4. There are 11 out of 15 students who are active in the class. Hopefully, the other 4 people will "show up" :)

and... get ready for Facebook... Twitter... YouTube... and Flickr. Next week should be pretty easy in terms of social media... just more work on it:)

1 comment:

  1. Okay Bistra I finally figured it out! Haha I'm looking forward to hearing from you
