
Almost there

We all know that "almost there" means, almost at the end of the class.

The last week of the class is quickly approaching and with this, the end of the second summer session and your online Social Media class.

Unfortunately there is no option on blogger to upload a file, so I will repost the final assignment on Facebook's group!

Quick note about the grading of your wikispaces: 
You will be graded individually based on how much work each of you put into the project and as a team based on the quality, approach, depth of information and, of course, readability. So, if you haven't done this yet, take time to think what is the best way to organize your wikispaces to reflect the final assignment. In order to this, imagine if you read somebody's else wiki posting and think: would I keep looking at this wikis or I will jump to another, more comprehensive, page?

You still have one final, exit blog to finish. I would like to hear your reflection on what you learned and what you think should have been done differently (except for the amount of work I gave you: don't forget that this class is instead of 5 days a week, 3 hour classes:) ). But, please, be honest, if you just say "It was a great class, I learned so much..." without saying what you actually learned... it won't give you additional points towards your final grade!:)

For this final blog, I would like to ask you to look at your applications on your smart phones and pick one or two that you use the most or more unusual (like the digital lighter or candle you can "burn") and write a short reflection of "why" you downloaded it. This part of your blog will help me for a class I am considering on mobile applications and social reality. :)

If you never met me but you recognize me around the campus, please, say hi! Feel free to drop by my office in Decary (317) and introduce yourself!

My impression from the class overall was very high and I should say that I wish I had all of you in a classroom class because we would have had some really good discussions! Well, my impressions from your individual performance will be reflected in your grades:)

Look forward to reading your wikis! Think as if you are a reader and not only a creator of the wiki!:)

Enjoy the short time left until school starts and for those who are done with school: GOOD LUCK in your endeavors!



The Social and the Networking in Social Media Neworking

Reading your tweets and facebook postings, I started getting a feeling for confusion. Yes, I agree reading about working on your wiki in your power point presentation before you knew what a wiki is, can be confusing.

However, I also have the feeling that you are confused why you do all these things with those social media channels. Well, the point is... to socialize... to talk to each other and talk to your friends who are not in the class through tweets and facebook comments. Talk about everyday experiences, frustrations with the class, things you learned about tools you thought you know well...

OK, Imagine you are in a classroom... a small classroom... and I ask something for you to do or share ... then one person shares their opinion/answer... then another ... and a third one... and only the forth person's opinion relates to any of those previous answers... I think it's called engagement... even more important in an online class. 

Facebook... Twitter.. YouTube... Flickr... are not only your assignments for this class... They are you... That is why I asked who knows who on Facebook (thanks to those who took the time to reply to my question!)... to make you aware that your virtual self and your real self are not completely separable. Those who do not know you in person can learn a lot or nothing from what you post and share online. But if you do not do it... how would they know who you are? Just a screenname on their social media channel. Do you really want to be only a name with no identity behind it? 

Next week (week 3), I will start measuring your ACTUAL participation in all those social media tools... Meaning, how much you tweet, facebook, add pictures to your Flickr and videos to your YouTube channel and comment on other's channels (at least to 3! people, you can include me too).  That means you need to add them to your accounts as friends or start following them. And of course, the wikis project. Read the slides and, please do everything I asked you to do in them. Post questions on Facebook if you something is unclear!

Otherwise, what is the point of taking a class on social media if you are not active and dont learn small details of tools you already know and new tools? 

I look forward to seeing more pictures posted on Flickr and watch videos you picked on youtube. I still have people who haven't joined my youtube channel and I found most of you on Flickr but you have to be connect with each other as well!

And stay way from the greenhead flies on the beach... They hurt! :( 

Day 213: Happy Wiki, Everyone!


The First 48

You know that the first 48 hours are critical in resolving serious crimes. Well... I won't say that the first 48 of this class were that critical. But they were very helpful for me. What did I learn:

1. Most of you had never blogged and are a little apprehensive of what it feels like to blog. Well, think about the blogs about this class as essays in which you share both knowledge and personal opinion. The difference is that I won't be the only one to read them. The good thing about sharing it with others is that there always will be other classmates that will share the same sentiments like you and you will feel their support even though you do not see them in a real class setting. Don't be afraid to express both positive and negative feelings when some social media tool seems confusing or fun and easy. I know blogger needs to be tweaked a little but you will see that in a couple of weeks you won't even remember this initial frustrations:)

2. Quite a few do not have "follow" button or "google +" As a result I cannot get to their blogs so I can read and comment on them. Also, I cannot join the blogs and others, either. Maybe the easiest way to do this is if you post a quick comment on my blog (this or the first one) and people can click on your name and will reach your blog and then will start following you (if you have the "follow" button). If you do not have a comment from me, that means I haven't read your blog!

3. Please, write a comment about web 2.0 under my first blog!:)

4. There are 11 out of 15 students who are active in the class. Hopefully, the other 4 people will "show up" :)

and... get ready for Facebook... Twitter... YouTube... and Flickr. Next week should be pretty easy in terms of social media... just more work on it:)


Nervous about blogging?

A few things that came up in the last 24:

First, quite a few have not done the "follow" gadget and I (and the others) cannot start following them.
When you go under "layout" on the left side menu, you click on the links "add gadget" and one of the gadgets you will get is "followers" and click on the "+" sign to add it to your blog place.

Second, "follower" is not the same as "google +" sharing/friends. It is something specific for Blogger and you need to add it no matter if you send me google + sharing request:)

Third, I sense you are getting stressed out and a little frustrated with figuring out the blogs organization. Please, no reason to be! I am not going to take points away from your grade if you are not done with this first blog on time. I know for many of you this is your first online class and not having face-to-face contact with me can be confusing.

Just take your time and explore all Blogger options. It has many opportunities to customize it and, believe me, if you look at it as just another online site that you sign up and not only as a school project... it will get really easy.

I will post a quick comment to everyone's blogs as a recognition that I could see/read it. Also, I will start following you if you utilized the "follower" gadget.

Any other issues that you have and you emailed me related to Blogger, Blackboard, etc., if I haven't replied yet, that means I am trying to figure them out as well, so I will email you in person.

Get ready for the next power point presentation for the next week! :) More work but more fun:) 


Welcome to Social Apps of Web 2.0

Quickly... what does "Web 2.0" mean for you?

The first to post a comment to my question will get...

of course... points for reading the slides on time, visiting this post and figuring out how to comment on blogs:)

and... don't forget the photos that need to appear on your "follower" space. :)

WELCOME! I look forward to working with all of you for the next six weeks. :)